Sunday, 19 August 2007

Our Story

We are a normal, average family. Mum, Dad and 3 girls.
We have lived the normal happy life together for the last 14 years i.e. Man goes to work, wife looks after the house and the children.
Over time we have achieved better jobs and gone on to buy bigger and better houses.
Therefore we are just like many, many family's out there in the rat race of life.

About 8 years ago we thought 'There Must be More to Life Than This!'
Thats when we first thought about going to live in a different country.
Now thinking and doing are very different things!!!

We started looking into where we could go and what we could do. This is where it starts getting hard. You obviously need 2 things. 1. you need somewhere to live and 2. you need to work to earn money to live. Where do you start? Do you look for somewhere nice to live and hope you can find a job or do you find work and then look for somewhere to live near the work?????

The place we started was right here on the World Wide Web!!!! It's amazing, the information you can find here! I'm sure everything you'll ever need to know is here, if you can just find it!

We looked on the estate agent sites and found lots of properties in Spain. We searched sites and found the areas we would like to live (and could afford). We prepared as much as we could from the comfort of our front room. Then we made the decision that we had to go and have a look.
Wow. It's all different when you are there!!!!
We arranged for the children to stay with Grandparents then booked a 2 week trip to the South of Spain. We hired a car and spent 2 weeks going to see some of the properties that we had found on the net and checking out the areas that we thought we would like to live.
What answers did we find?
You have got to be very brave to go for it!!!!

Theres still a big catch! You need to be there if you find a job. You need to be there and be in a position to buy if you find a place thats right for you.
It's like those programs you see on TV, you have to make that decision, sell up/rent out your house and go for it!!!!! Now thats brave!

Did we do it???.......... NO. It's as simple as that. We came up with all those reasons/excuses that I'm sure many people do and stayed right we we were.

So what has changed? Why this Blog?
I have been given the chance of a job!!! So thats it we are selling up and going for it 110%.
So read the following posts to find how we go about it and how our adventure pans out................

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